Conflict Management and you!

Posted: May 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

Picture this , you are in a Rodeo and trying to harness a mean looking buffalo to grant you a boon, to  mount and ride him for a few minutes (tops)thus proving your manhood/women’s lib, coming out, whatever….but as you guess the bull has a mind of his own, and not only will he resist all your attempts but would also ensure he buckles you down and if possible trample you or even worse gore you all the way to which ever kind of heaven you believe in. And dear reader it would not take a Sigmund Freud to analyse why the said cattle was as the southerner’s say “pissed off” ,he plainly had other priorities and was not ready to compromise and what about us or the rider why did we not let him be, because we had to satiate our ego’s, prove to the gladiator in us that we shall NEVER take no for an answer.

I know I know it’s really easy to talk big to try to emulate Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Bodisattva and curb our primary instincts but as humans it is a very rare person who is not a slave of his emotions. Rare is what I said not well done.

I know I know(2.1) odes have been written since time started and many a wise men have come and gone trying to conquer and help us beat the seethe and resolve this plague forever but alas, prophets have come and gone saints have tried but man, man never stops feeding the Red Dragon.

I am not here to give you management tips to evade or avoid conflicts , everyone feels that they are the vindicated ones, but then why do we feel no remorse sharpening the swords, or filing our nails.

There is just one real way to Positively Manage a conflict : ” Manage Your Self “

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